Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Santa Cruz

Why do I love this town?
This isn't a town its a collection of
Stamps with the souls printed upside down.
Pennies shining brightly nightly.
Buses with stuffed animals attached
Astronomy students with laptops attached
The Last Hippies with no attachments.

Why do I love this town?
A man not selling, not commercial
Is outside the Urban Outfitters
Calmly reading calmly watching tourists
Collecting totems of adventure for
Display in the valley towns.
His sign, his folding coffee table simple and approachable.
The sign reads

Why do I love this town?

1 comment:

  1. What a loser! Emmi right? The guy...not you. The guy outside U.O...loser. Because he wasn't --

    Screw it, nice poem.
