Friday, July 13, 2012

Small Sparrow

The white crowned is streaked sable
and looks askew at bushes tweeting
loudly for the small body thick through the
breast then flies away wings beating quickly
over the wooden fence toward
adventure unknown.

New School Meeting Time

We have no schedule.
We have smoky organization and our plans are wind.
We have readings but no textbooks that
bend student backs under heavy packs.
We have control and work together to build
unique experiences. Those readings are seeds
for thought among the students who seem
a little frightened by our enthusiasm.

They had never seen us before talking
about who we are and what we do.

We are off the map and there are monsters here
eating the future, picking fangs with last years regrets.
We are not for them and they know it.
We are strong and chanting war songs against the old.
We are making a new something.